Friday, May 30, 2008

School Year Wrap-Up

As we near the end of the 07-08 school year, it is important to salute the uniqueness of Mililani's CTE. What other high school in the state has grown their CTE program to levels reached at MHS.
- 158 seniors completing programs of studies
- Competition winners
- Innovative integrated classes
- Successful business & community partnerships
- Annual workshops that enrich and encourage
But how do you measure the success of a program? How do you continue the success of the past years into the future? Perhaps, all we can do is extend a whole-hearted invitation to join us next school year in one of our classes and see for yourself what the CTE experience can do for you.

Thank you, students and teachers for a great year and best wishes for an even better one next year!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Congratulations to 158 CTE Cord Seniors!

Follow your Career Pathway and get a graduation cord!
The Class of 2008 will have 158 seniors marching proudly at graduation ceremonies on June 1, 2008 wearing a CTE graduation cord. These students have successfully completed the 1st and 2nd program of study courses along with the required academic course. Many have completed 2 or even 3 programs of study during their 4 years in CTE classes.

Mililani's CTE department offers 20 programs of study to meet students' wide range of career interests.

Click on this checklist or call the CTE office at 627-7339 and start planning for your CTE graduation cord next year!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mililani CTE Dominates in 2008

Congratulations to our students & teachers for the great effort in class and in competitions. We're so proud of you!

Click on the attached for a full listing of this year's CTE achievers.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thank you for your support, Junior Achievement!

MHS business student, Shannen Hirata and teacher, Janise Kinoshita were speakers at the Junior Achievement dinner on Friday, March 7, 2008 at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Four distinguished laureates John de Mello, Joseph Ferraro, Peter Kim and Richard Ha were inducted into the Hall of Fame. But it was a toss-up as to who was more impressive behind the podium - the four honored businessmen or our two representatives from Mililani High School.
Great job, Shannen & Ms. Kinoshita!